Spring 2025 Updates at Duluth Daylily

Hopefully, Spring is here early for a change, without a massive re-freeze. We wanted to share just a couple of quick updates:

  • HUNDREDS of Seed Packets Still Available from the 2024 Harvest. Shop our Daylily.com listings!
  • The 2nd Annual Chequamegon Bay Seed Fair is Saturday, March 29th, in Ashland, WI. This year, we’ve donated 40+ packets from 6 unique diploid hybrid crosses. So, if you want FREE DAYLILY SEEDS or are “seed curious,” make sure you attend! Details are on the Chequamegon Bay Seed Fair Facebook Page!
  • We are planning three local sales weeks in June, July, and August 2025 here in Duluth, MN.
  • The first dates are set: Woodland Days Duluth will be held July 17th-20th, 2025. This year, we’ll once again have a FREE DAYLILY SEEDLING FOR EVERY KID WHO STOPS BY! Plus, hundreds of registered hybrids and tons of seedlings, not to mention Duluth Hosta Co. hostas and tons of other perennials.

We Made Garden.org’s Homepage!

Well there’s something you don’t see every day. It’s Tuesday, August 13th, and we happened to have a really nice pair of blooms on our Steampunk clump today. For some reason, the blooms were exceptionally rich and vibrant. But one of them took it to the next level, blooming in a polymerous form with 5 petals (and thus, 5 sepals). It was exceptional and striking, to the point that I even broke out a ladder to try to get the ideal photo of it (didn’t really work…but you gotta try).

Well, I (Matt) posted it to our Facebook page, and shared it around, but I also posted it to Garden.org. Well, bringing the story to a close, tonight, this is what I saw on the homepage of the National Gardening Association’s homepage at www.Garden.org

2023/24 Seed Auction Season Is Here!

2023’s summer was simply chaotic in our household, as Matt’s client of 12+ years passed away unexpectedly back in May. As a result, Matt took over his role, and ultimately the team took over the business, moving it into an existing partnership. The result was hundreds of extra hours of work this year. Meanwhile, Matt (and to a lesser extent Ethan) continued to escape into the gardens to photograph and pollinate daylilies!

We started selling seeds a few weeks back, but at this point, it’s time to make a lot of noise as seed sales are in full swing. There are currently over 200 active listings at Daylily.com, with over 1,600 packets of seeds looking for new gardens this season! View the active listings from Duluth Daylily here.

If you prefer to shop on eBay, we also have a limited number of some of the same crosses available there, in hopes of catching the attention of new seed growers. Prices are lower at Daylily.com because the fees are lower than eBay. Shop the eBay listings, if that is your preference!

We haven’t decided whether we’ll restock the “store” here on DuluthDaylily.com this season or not, primarily because nearly everyone wound up buying from Daylily.com’s auctions, and it’s a little bit easier/quicker to list things there, vs. on this website!

Shipping weather has been great, with daytime temps above freezing here, so getting things in the postal system has currently been immediate, without delay. Obviously this mild weather will likely not last all winter, so best to bid early, bid often, and shop now, so your seedling can get as much lead time on spring as possible!

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and prosperous new year.

Matt & Ethan

Daylily Seed Auctions Live at Daylily.com

For the past few days we’ve been working tirelessly to get our 2022 seeds posted at Daylily.com. Click Here to see our active listings! Our seller ID there is Mpedersen (Matt Pedersen, I know, so original!)

Most seeds on the Daylily Auction website are in limited supply. There may be only one or two packets of a particular cross, so if you see something you like, best to bid early and bid often, because you may not get another chance at it!

Items in greater supply will be listed here in the online store in the coming days; right now we’re just prioritizing the auction listings.

Growing Our Galleries

Simply put, I want to make sure we’re using our own photos when selling our seed, proof that we have the plants we claim we’re using! This first year is a lot of work; basically taking a break from my job of editing and web developing, to do more editing and web developing.

Anyway, the galleries currently include all varieties with names starting with A & B. Click the Daylily Galleries menu item to see the list, and select specific varieties to see all the photos I’ve shared of them. This often includes the blooms that aren’t “at their best”; some are young plants, other times I just want you to see that not everything is pristine all the time.

Much more to come!

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