Daylily (Hemerocallis) Armed To The Teeth (Polston, 2013)scape height 30 in, (76 cm)bloom size 5.5 in, (14 cm)bloom season Midseason, Rebloomploidy Tetraploidfoliage type Dormantbloom habit Diurnal bud count 18branches 4seedling # 9-JTP-88TColor: red, with a cream white toothy edge and a green throatParentage: (sdlg × sdlg)AHS - - - its the first year here, it had very few blooms and of poor quality. Hoping for an improvement in subsequent years. Daylily-Armed-To-The-Teeth-1200x-DSC 0380 Daylily-Armed-To-The-Teeth-1200x-DSC 0009