Daylily (Hemerocallis) Larry's Twilight Bite (Gossard, 2012)scape height 31 in, (79 cm)bloom size 8.5 in, (22 cm)bloom season Midseason-Late, Rebloomploidy Tetraploidfoliage type Dormantfragrance Fragrantbloom habit Diurnal bud count 22branches 4 seedling # sun2Color: cranberry purple with a darker wine eyezone, sepals and petals are edged in claws, fangs, teeth and tentacles, color of which can be vary by position from gold to green to white, all above a yellow green throatParentage: (((Sun Bear × Julie Newmar) × Sword Dancer) × Rosy Spiketail)AHS - - Daylily-Larrys-Twilight-Bite-1200x-DSC 0168 Daylily-Larrys-Twilight-Bite-1200x-DSC 0836 Daylily-Larrys-Twilight-Bite-1200x-DSC 0159